Sony Confirms PS4 Will Play Used Games (Huzzah!)

by David Sanchez February 21, 2013 @ 10:19 am

Killzone Shadow Fall - PS4

There’s no denying that the PlayStation 4’s lack of backward compatibility with your old PlayStation Network downloads and game saves really, really blows. A number of media outlets have already called this move “strike one,” and it’s hard to argue against that opposition.

Thankfully, it’s not all bad news, and while I may have started the day off with that bit of foul coverage, I’ve saved some good news for last. Speaking to Eurogamer, Sony Worldwide boss Shuhei Yoshida stated that the PlayStation 4 will play used games, barring previous rumors that all next-gen consoles would be locked to prohibit the use of these titles.

“That’s the general expectation by consumers,” began Yoshida when questioned about the matter. “They purchase physical form, they want to use it everywhere, right? So that’s my expectation.”

Of course, this ambiguous answer wasn’t impressing anyone. After being asked once more if the PlayStation 4 would allow used discs and speaking briefly with his PR rep, Yoshida confirmed, “So, used games can play on PS4. How is that?”

That’s pretty damn good, Mr. Yoshida. Pretty damn good!

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