PSOne Classic Parasite Eve Hits PSN, Sequel To Follow

by Mike Bendel March 15, 2011 @ 2:11 pm

Initially outed by an ESRB listing last month, Square Enix’s announced that the original PSOne classic Parasite Eve arrives on PSN today. It serves as a worthy refresher to spiritual successor The 3rd Birthday, which is due out on March 29.

Released in 1998, Parasite Eve was praised by critics for its refreshing take on the survival horror genre, mixing action and RPG elements that trace back to Final Fantasy’s Active Time Battle system.

Players assume the role of New York City rookie police detective Aya Brea, following her startling discovery of an aggressive mitochondria known as EVE. Faced with the threat of severing the long-standing symbiotic relationship between mitochondria and humans, Aya sets out to stop this deadly force.

It’s yours for $9.99. A PSN release of the sequel — Parasite Eve 2 — will follow “at a later date.”

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