Iwata Sets Sights On Topping DS Sales With 3DS

by Mike Bendel March 1, 2011 @ 11:34 am

While Sony says it would be content over matching the current PSP install base with NGP, Nintendo is setting its sights higher. Company CEO Satoru Iwata has remarked in a recent interview with Asahi Shimbun newspaper that he’d like to see 3DS sales top that of the DS, which has sold 140 million units worldwide. Coupled with the premium price tag the 3DS is carrying, it’s not an easy feat, but Iwata is confident in winning consumers over:

“We’d like to increase this even further with the 3DS,” said Iwata, referencing the DS install base. He added, “We’re making software that is packed with the kinds of surprises and enjoyment that the 3DS can deliver.”

“We’re at a period where it will be difficult to keep the value of our content if we are unable to offer experiences that can’t be had on Smartphones.”

Thanks, Andriasang.

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