• 8,426 Achievements Earned
  • 1,170 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Achievements
  • 19,988 Obtainable EXP
  • 18 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Find a colorpalette

    72.48% (54.00)
  • So random

    54.10% (72.00)
  • Don't crash the game!

    35.98% (109.00)
  • Collect 20 damaged color palettes!

    3.42% (1145.00)
  • Reach level 15 without using TNT

    29.40% (133.00)
  • Reach level 12 without picking up any items

    46.07% (85.00)
  • Reach level 10 in classic mode without dying once

    24.70% (158.00)
  • From now on your life will be tough.

    40.51% (97.00)
  • Beat a rocket bot at their own game

    11.79% (332.00)
  • Reach level 50 in a classic game mode

    7.18% (545.00)
  • Nope, there is none. At least not here...

    13.68% (286.00)
  • Defuse a bear trap by throwing TNT at it

    8.03% (487.00)
  • Trigger a mine by throwing TNT at it

    12.91% (303.00)
  • Find the rare rainbow colorpalette

    2.56% (1529.00)
  • Reach level 40 in a classic run

    13.33% (294.00)
  • Collect over 20 HP Items in one run

    28.38% (138.00)
  • Publish an amazing custom level

    6.32% (619.00)
  • Two hours of permanent dying

    22.14% (177.00)
  • Try some new colorpalettes

    40.34% (97.00)
  • Destroy more than 500 walls in total

    11.88% (329.00)
  • Play and win more than 10 different global custom levels

    6.15% (636.00)
  • Destroy a falling wall using your head

    26.07% (150.00)
  • Complete an advanced level with only one hp left

    14.02% (279.00)
  • Activate 200 checkpoints

    12.39% (316.00)
  • Waste 24 hours of your life

    3.08% (1271.00)
  • Reach level 30 in a classic run

    22.74% (172.00)
  • Reach level 35 in a classic run

    17.09% (229.00)
  • Reach level 45 in a classic run

    9.57% (409.00)
  • This was not the exit

    42.14% (93.00)
  • Complete every daily run of one week

    2.91% (1345.00)
  • I am hardcore

    9.49% (412.00)
  • This was hardcore...

    1.71% (2289.00)
  • At least almost complete

    3.33% (1175.00)
  • Have over 1000 Coins in one Coin Run

    4.53% (864.00)
  • Ouch...

    9.74% (402.00)
  • Better be quick and use this flare for a few additonal pitch-black levels

    3.33% (1175.00)
  • Slowly and carefully walking to the exit

    44.36% (88.00)
  • Ignite over 100 torches

    2.31% (1694.00)