• 803,873 Achievements Earned
  • 41,121 Players Tracked
  • 115 Total Achievements
  • 22,046 Obtainable EXP
  • 385 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Build an automaton

    70.84% (15.00)
  • Have an Advanced Coal Mine, Advanced Wall Drill and Advanced Steelworks at the same time

    27.28% (39.00)
  • Set up 2 Outposts in one playthrough

    49.35% (21.00)
  • Have 4 Workshops doing research at the same time

    49.66% (21.00)
  • Have 15 automatons at the same time

    26.40% (40.00)
  • Have more than 650 people in the city at the same time

    29.67% (36.00)
  • Finish any scenario without constructing Steam or Advanced buildings

    11.78% (90.00)
  • Have 300 people living in the heat zone of a single Steam Hub

    5.35% (197.00)
  • Have a fully upgraded Generator (power, range and overdrive)

    53.65% (20.00)
  • Having a choice, finish a scenario using only Hothouses

    9.74% (108.00)
  • Having a choice, finish a scenario using only Hunters

    31.60% (33.00)
  • Finish a playthrough without building a single House or Bunkhouse

    9.56% (110.00)
  • Finish a playthrough without building a single Tent

    8.66% (122.00)
  • Have a workplace with efficiency greater than ... [200%]

    26.68% (40.00)
  • Finish a playthrough without an Infirmary or House of Healing

    32.99% (32.00)
  • Finish a playthrough with Charcoal Kilns as the only buildings that provide Coal

    6.69% (158.00)
  • Finish a scenario never expanding the range of the Generator

    22.45% (47.00)
  • Finish a scenario without building a single Steam Hub

    9.76% (108.00)
  • In a city of at least 200, have automatons working in more than half of workplaces

    13.50% (78.00)
  • Have 4 Coal Thumpers working at the same time

    34.99% (30.00)
  • Provide an amputee with a prosthesis

    71.35% (15.00)
  • In a city of at least 200 people, ensure everyone has access to the Public House and a Fighting Arena

    60.69% (17.00)
  • Have maximum hope and no discontent

    55.80% (19.00)
  • Stay in power after your people threatened to overthrow you

    62.39% (17.00)
  • Keep every promise made during a playthrough

    35.33% (30.00)
  • Finish the Automaton Project

    56.25% (19.00)
  • Improve Radical Treatment

    62.37% (17.00)
  • Give child workers extra rations

    50.53% (21.00)
  • Finish the New Home scenario

    63.07% (17.00)
  • Finish the New Home scenario on Hard difficulty

    5.76% (183.00)
  • In the New Home scenario, accept all groups of refugees

    48.66% (22.00)
  • In the New Home scenario, don't let anyone leave for London

    41.08% (26.00)
  • In the New Home scenario, save every person in Frostland

    75.87% (14.00)
  • Finish the New Home scenario without passing severe laws and using harsh abilities

    3.64% (290.00)
  • Finish the New Home scenario with no deaths from cold, hunger, sickness or overwork

    21.90% (48.00)
  • Finish the New Home scenario with no deaths from cold, hunger, sickness or overwork on Hard difficulty

    3.92% (269.00)
  • Let the Londoners speak and have the last word

    4.05% (261.00)
  • Deal with the Londoners' graffiti peacefully

    72.15% (15.00)
  • Deal with the Londoners' thievery peacefully

    9.00% (117.00)
  • Finish the Refugees scenario

    25.22% (42.00)
  • Finish the Refugees scenario on Hard difficulty

    3.18% (332.00)
  • Finish the Refugees scenario, accepting all the lords and resolving the class conflict

    18.62% (57.00)
  • Rescue all of your people coming to the City

    26.96% (39.00)
  • Find the unknown ship in Frostland

    22.26% (47.00)
  • Finish The Arks scenario

    33.83% (31.00)
  • Finish The Arks scenario on Hard difficulty

    4.07% (260.00)
  • Finish The Arks scenario, saving both cities

    18.44% (57.00)
  • Save all the Seedling Arks in The Arks scenario

    33.27% (32.00)
  • Find New Manchester before Day 15

    5.89% (179.00)
  • Finish the New Home scenario in Survivor Mode.

    3.45% (306.00)
  • Finish the Refugees scenario in Survivor Mode.

    2.48% (426.00)
  • Finish The Arks scenario in Survivor Mode.

    3.07% (344.00)
  • Finish the Fall of Winterhome scenario.

    14.32% (74.00)
  • Finish the Fall of Winterhome Scenario, sending all children to Dreadnought.

    7.98% (132.00)
  • Finish the Fall of Winterhome scenario, fully upgrading the Dreadnought and filling it with people.

    5.28% (200.00)
  • Finish the Fall of Winterhome scenario in Survivor Mode.

    2.13% (496.00)
  • Finish the Fall of Winterhome scenario on Hard difficulty.

    2.31% (457.00)
  • Fill the Archives

    8.61% (123.00)
  • Build the Archives

    23.90% (44.00)
  • Lose in Serenity mode

    10.44% (101.00)
  • Have over 700 population

    8.42% (125.00)
  • Have over 600 population living in Houses only

    30.46% (35.00)
  • Build 10 Street Lamps

    13.82% (76.00)
  • Have a Town Square of each size

    10.51% (101.00)
  • Have a Garden of each size

    9.91% (107.00)
  • Stockpile 35 000 Coal and 10 000 Food Rations

    10.09% (105.00)
  • Survive 50 days of Endurance mode on Medium or higher difficulty

    5.63% (188.00)
  • Survive 100 days of Endurance mode on Medium or higher difficulty

    4.06% (260.00)
  • Survive 50 days of Endurance mode on Hard or higher difficulty

    2.94% (359.00)
  • Survive 100 days of Endurance mode on Hard or higher difficulty

    2.59% (408.00)
  • Survive 50 days of Endurance mode on Extreme difficulty

    2.58% (409.00)
  • Survive 100 days of Endurance mode on Extreme difficulty

    2.31% (457.00)
  • Explore all Frostland sites between the storms

    13.42% (79.00)
  • Have 20 working automatons

    12.66% (83.00)
  • Survive 75 days without having automatons

    5.10% (207.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario

    12.79% (83.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario in Survivor Mode.

    1.94% (544.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario on Hard difficulty

    2.11% (501.00)
  • Build a Generator with all upgrades and no construction faults

    8.00% (132.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario before the last shipment

    5.48% (193.00)
  • Have 4 Advanced Docks and 12 Reloading Stations working at the same time

    2.44% (433.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario without setting up any Foragers' Camps

    3.33% (317.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario, employing people neither in Safe nor Deadly workplaces

    1.93% (547.00)
  • Use Telegraph Station 20 or more times

    6.23% (170.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario using no Coal consuming buildings

    2.02% (523.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario with only convicts and engineers left at the end

    1.90% (556.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario with only workers left at the end

    1.76% (600.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario without anyone dying

    4.19% (252.00)
  • Build the generator in The Last Autumn scenario using neither Two Shifts nor Extended Shifts

    4.61% (229.00)
  • Build the Generator in The Last Autumn scenario without pauses between construction of its parts longer than 24 hours

    4.90% (216.00)
  • Build the Generator with no damage from storms in Endless Mode

    5.39% (196.00)
  • Build the Generator before the weather changes in Endless Mode

    4.12% (256.00)
  • Build the Generator and reach day 100 in Endless Mode

    3.13% (337.00)
  • Build a Generator with all construction faults in Endless Mode

    1.90% (556.00)
  • Find generator parts meant for Winterhome and keep them

    14.59% (72.00)
  • Contact New London

    14.44% (73.00)
  • Cut down all the trees in Outpost 11

    9.94% (106.00)
  • Rename Outpost 11 to you-know-what

    2.89% (365.00)
  • Complete all improvements in Hot Springs

    8.29% (127.00)
  • Complete all improvements in Shipwreck Camp

    7.94% (133.00)
  • Complete all improvements in Children's Mine

    4.72% (224.00)
  • Build a safe route

    11.73% (90.00)
  • Develop all settlements to the highest level

    5.64% (187.00)
  • Explore all Frostland sites in On The Edge scenario

    6.84% (154.00)
  • Always take the risky choice on Frostland in On The Edge scenario

    8.67% (122.00)
  • Build all safe routes

    6.86% (154.00)
  • Make all other settlements loyal to you

    4.49% (235.00)
  • Make all other settlements distrustful towards you

    1.56% (677.00)
  • Let New London fall in On The Edge scenario

    3.67% (288.00)
  • Save New London in On The Edge scenario

    9.46% (112.00)
  • Finish On The Edge scenario on Hard difficulty

    1.73% (611.00)
  • Finish On The Edge scenario in Survivor Mode

    1.67% (632.00)
  • Make all other settlements loyal to you in Endless Mode

    2.64% (400.00)
  • Have an ally send Emergency Aid to another settlement

    2.86% (369.00)
  • Make all other settlements distrustful towards you in Endless Mode

    1.44% (734.00)