• 30,336 Achievements Earned
  • 2,528 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Achievements
  • 4,292 Obtainable EXP
  • 420 100% Club
Earned Date
  • A strike was made against shielded zombies.

    56.80% (176.00)
  • Get a strike against rank and file zombies.

    64.87% (154.00)
  • Earn 1000 points.

    54.47% (184.00)
  • Three strikes in one game.

    92.60% (5.00)
  • 100 strikes in all games.

    32.71% (306.00)
  • 5 strikes in all games.

    87.86% (5.00)
  • 15 strikes in all games.

    67.48% (148.00)
  • 30 strikes in all games.

    52.93% (189.00)
  • No gutterballs were thrown a complete game.

    80.85% (6.00)
  • A strike was made using a small ball.

    56.88% (176.00)
  • Won a game without using any tricks or threats.

    24.29% (412.00)
  • Single Player mode was completed.

    55.66% (180.00)
  • A 200 game was rolled.

    50.55% (198.00)
  • A perfect 300, 12 strikes in one game.

    17.56% (570.00)
  • A strike or spare was made in every frame of a game.

    36.67% (273.00)
  • Three strikes in a row were rolled in a game.

    75.44% (133.00)
  • A strike was made using the pinball.

    77.29% (129.00)
  • A strike was made with every zombie being knocked off the lane.

    73.66% (136.00)
  • Throw a strike with a meatball.

    71.00% (141.00)
  • Throw a strike against dancing zombies.

    53.24% (188.00)
  • Free Play mode was completed.

    17.17% (583.00)