• 6,835 Achievements Earned
  • 1,465 Players Tracked
  • 121 Total Achievements
  • 31,675 Obtainable EXP
  • 9 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Complete the Tutorial Mission

    96.25% (7.00)
  • Complete Mission 1

    54.88% (11.00)
  • Complete Mission 2

    28.26% (22.00)
  • Complete Mission 3

    12.15% (48.00)
  • Complete Mission 4

    9.35% (61.00)
  • Complete Mission 5

    6.55% (84.00)
  • Complete Mission 6

    5.53% (97.00)
  • Complete Mission 7

    4.98% (106.00)
  • Complete Mission 8

    4.57% (114.00)
  • Complete Mission 9

    3.82% (132.00)
  • Complete Mission 10

    3.55% (140.00)
  • Complete Mission 11

    3.07% (156.00)
  • Complete Mission 12

    3.00% (159.00)
  • Complete Mission 13

    2.80% (167.00)
  • Complete Mission 14

    2.66% (174.00)
  • Complete Mission 15

    2.53% (180.00)
  • Complete Mission 16

    2.12% (204.00)
  • Complete Mission 17

    2.12% (204.00)
  • Complete Mission 18

    2.05% (208.00)
  • Complete Mission 19

    2.05% (208.00)
  • Complete the "No Man's Land" Single Player Campaign

    1.84% (224.00)
  • Complete a non-guided tutorial play-through.

    14.06% (42.00)
  • Complete Mission 1 after opening the Main Gates before round 7.

    3.55% (140.00)
  • Complete Mission 1 after lighting yourself on fire by blowing up an oil barrel.

    48.67% (13.00)
  • Complete Mission 1 after killing at least 10 Iron Fang Pikemen.

    15.56% (38.00)
  • Complete Mission 2 after killing all three Winter Guard on your first turn.

    8.74% (65.00)
  • Complete Mission 2 without a single Trencher dying.

    7.37% (76.00)
  • Complete Mission 3 after killing 3+ Assault Kommandos with Rourke.

    2.05% (208.00)
  • Complete Mission 3 without attacking with the Lancer.

    1.77% (229.00)
  • Complete Mission 4 after dealing at least 1 damage to the Butcher with Allison's melee attack.

    1.57% (247.00)
  • Complete Mission 5 after killing at least 5 enemies in one turn with ranged attacks.

    1.37% (268.00)
  • Complete Mission 5 after killing 4+ Man-O-War Shocktroopers with the exploding bridge.

    2.05% (208.00)
  • Complete Mission 6 after damaging 3+ enemies with a Stormcall Triangulation attack in one turn.

    1.23% (285.00)
  • Complete Mission 6 after rescuing all 3 Stormcallers before round 5.

    1.30% (276.00)
  • Complete Mission 7 after dealing damage to 6+ enemy units with Rockbiter Charges.

    1.09% (304.00)
  • Complete Mission 7 after getting the Troll to kill 3+ enemy units.

    1.09% (304.00)
  • Complete Mission 8 after killing the Man-O-War Kovnik with Allison Jakes.

    2.94% (161.00)
  • Complete Mission 8 after destroying both small Train Turrets by round 5.

    2.59% (177.00)
  • Complete Mission 8 after killing 2+ enemy units with a single Slam or Throw.

    1.02% (315.00)
  • Complete Mission 9 after the Trolls have killed 4+ enemy units.

    1.84% (224.00)
  • Complete Mission 9 without any of the Trollbloods dying.

    2.05% (208.00)
  • Complete Mission 10 without losing any Gunmages.

    2.80% (167.00)
  • Complete Mission 10 without any enemy units entering the fort.

    3.28% (149.00)
  • Complete Mission 10 after knocking down 10+ enemy units.

    1.02% (315.00)
  • Complete Mission 11 after killing at least 2 enemies with an exploding Bile Thrall.

    1.09% (304.00)
  • Complete Mission 11 after killing 3+ enemies with a single Trample Power Attack.

    1.16% (294.00)
  • Complete Mission 12 after killing all 11 enemies from the attack waves BEFORE destroying the Necrotite Rigs.

    1.64% (241.00)
  • Complete Mission 12 after destroying the Iron Lich Overseer BEFORE destroying the Necrotite Rigs.

    1.50% (254.00)
  • Complete Mission 12 after all Necrotite Container piles have been destroyed.

    1.43% (262.00)
  • Complete Mission 13 after killing one enemy with a magic attack, one with a ranged attack, and one with a melee attack in a single turn.

    0.96% (324.00)
  • Complete mission 13 without Allison Jakes taking any damage.

    2.46% (184.00)
  • Complete Mission 13 without losing more than 4 Khadoran units.

    1.37% (268.00)
  • Complete Mission 14 without Jakes being attacked by Sturgis while hiding.

    2.46% (184.00)
  • Complete Mission 14 after killing 10+ Mechanithralls with Allison Jakes.

    1.91% (218.00)
  • Complete Mission 15 after rescuing every imprisoned Trencher.

    2.32% (191.00)
  • Complete Mission 15 after slaying 25+ Mechanithralls.

    1.98% (213.00)
  • Complete Mission 15 after killing two Bonejacks with one Heavy Warjack in a single turn.

    0.96% (324.00)
  • Complete Mission 16 after killing two enemies with a single Trencher Assault.

    1.09% (304.00)
  • Complete Mission 16 after executing a combined attack with at least 5 participants.

    1.23% (285.00)
  • Complete Mission 17 after eliminating the first destroyer before round 5.

    1.84% (224.00)
  • Complete Mission 17 after dealing at least 1 damage to the Strakhov before round 12.

    1.16% (294.00)
  • Complete Mission 18 after damaging at least 5 units with exploding Orgoth Soul Shrines.

    0.96% (324.00)
  • Complete Mission 18 after defeating the Butcher without him damaging any friendly unit. Good luck!

    1.43% (262.00)
  • Complete Mission 19 after killing 5+ enemy units with melee attacks from Allison Jakes.

    0.96% (324.00)
  • Complete Mission 19 after killing 5+ enemy units with ranged attacks from Allison Jakes.

    0.96% (324.00)
  • Complete Mission 19 after killing 5+ enemy units with magic attacks from Allison Jakes.

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete Mission 19 after defeating Sturgis on the second round.

    0.89% (336.00)
  • Complete Mission 20 without a single friendly unit being killed by the Molicron.

    1.77% (229.00)
  • Complete Mission 20 after Allison Jakes scores 8 melee hits in one turn.

    1.09% (304.00)
  • Complete your first multiplayer match

    4.91% (108.00)
  • Complete 10 multiplayer matches

    1.09% (304.00)
  • Complete 100 multiplayer matches

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 1000 multiplayer matches

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete 10 multiplayer matches playing as Cygnar

    0.96% (324.00)
  • Complete 100 multiplayer matches playing as Cygnar

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 10 multiplayer matches playing as Khador

    0.89% (336.00)
  • Complete 100 multiplayer matches playing as Khador

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 10 multiplayer matches playing as Protectorate

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete 100 multiplayer matches playing as Protectorate

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 10 multiplayer matches playing as Cryx

    0.89% (336.00)
  • Complete 100 multiplayer matches playing as Cryx

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Stryker

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Siege

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Sturgis

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Darius

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Sorscha

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as The Butcher

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Strakhov

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Karchev

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Kreoss

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Feora

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Severius

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as The Harbinger

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Deneghra

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Asphyxious

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Sturgis the Corrupted

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Terminus

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Magnus

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete 20 multiplayer matches playing as Vyros

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete Mission 1 of Dark Seduction

    1.23% (285.00)
  • Complete Mission 2 of Dark Seduction

    1.09% (304.00)
  • Complete Mission 3 of Dark Seduction

    1.02% (315.00)
  • Complete Mission 4 of Dark Seduction

    1.09% (304.00)
  • Complete Mission 5 of Dark Seduction

    0.96% (324.00)
  • Complete Mission 6 of Dark Seduction

    0.96% (324.00)
  • Complete Mission 7 of Dark Seduction

    0.89% (336.00)
  • Complete Mission 8 of Dark Seduction

    0.89% (336.00)
  • Complete Mission 9 of Dark Seduction

    0.89% (336.00)
  • Complete Mission 10 of Dark Seduction

    0.89% (336.00)
  • Complete Mission 1 of Dark Seduction without defeating the Vanquisher warjack.

    0.96% (324.00)
  • Defeat three of the three-man Cinerator patrols near the end of Mission 2 of Dark Seduction.

    1.02% (315.00)
  • Knock down Haley and Deneghra at the same time in Mission 3 of Dark Seduction.

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Kill 10 enemies with Nomad warjacks in Mission 4 of Dark Seduction.

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete Mission 5 of Dark Seduction without killing any Cygnar units.

    0.89% (336.00)
  • Kill the Iron Lich Overseer in Mission 6 of Dark Seduction, and its battlegroup, without losing any Cygnar units.

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete Mission 7 of Dark Seduction using only one Necrosurgeon.

    0.89% (336.00)
  • Complete Mission 8 of Dark Seduction before the Necrosurgeons spawn ten Mechanithralls.

    0.75% (363.00)
  • Complete Mission 9 of Dark Seduction with Haley the only remaining Cygnar unit on the map.

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete Mission 9 of Dark Seduction without any units dying.

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Complete Mission 10 of Dark Seduction without adding any units or warjacks to Haley's squad.

    0.82% (349.00)
  • Add the Cygnar heavy warjacks in Mission 10 of Dark Seduction to Haley's squad.

    0.75% (363.00)