• 3,559 Achievements Earned
  • 275 Players Tracked
  • 55 Total Achievements
  • 47,048 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Kubi rule them all

    0.39% (0.00)
  • The developers law

    0.39% (0.00)
  • Complete Westguard

    96.73% (67.00)
  • Complete Stepping Stones

    66.91% (97.00)
  • Complete Realm of the Gods

    57.45% (113.00)
  • Complete The Citadel

    51.27% (127.00)
  • Fly

    Complete Depths of Kul’rath

    45.45% (143.00)
  • Complete Remains of Steelcoast

    41.09% (158.00)
  • Complete Shadow Realm

    40.36% (161.00)
  • Complete Icewastes of Shalibar

    34.18% (190.00)
  • Complete Forest of Argan

    10.69% (0.00)
  • Complete Demons of the Past on Easy or Normal level

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Complete Demons of the Past on Difficult level

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Complete Demons of the Past on Very Difficult level

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Collect Armory of the Eo

    8.73% (745.00)
  • Cast 40 Fireballs with the avatar

    7.27% (895.00)
  • Charm 50 enemies with the avatar

    3.64% (1787.00)
  • Conjure 66 demons with the avatar

    2.91% (2236.00)
  • Get invulnerable 75 times with the avatar

    2.91% (2236.00)
  • Get 20.000 gold from rewards

    32.73% (199.00)
  • Get 50.000 gold from rewards

    11.27% (577.00)
  • Cast Battle Cry 50 times with the avatar

    5.09% (1278.00)
  • Hit enemies with Slash 50 times

    3.64% (1787.00)
  • Cast Salvo (Master) 40 times

    2.91% (2236.00)
  • Cast 200 shaikan spells

    10.55% (617.00)
  • Reach level 10 with the Avatar

    75.64% (86.00)
  • Reach level 20 with the Avatar

    47.64% (137.00)
  • Reach level 30 with the Avatar

    33.82% (192.00)
  • Complete the Twiddle quest chain

    21.45% (303.00)
  • Kill the Lich without him spawning back once on Difficult or Very Difficult level

    17.45% (373.00)
  • Save all the villagers and farmers on the map

    32.36% (201.00)
  • Catch Darc before he can run around even once

    28.36% (229.00)
  • Sneak throu the city of Zerbo second times with the Mace of the Guardian on Very Difficult level

    7.27% (895.00)
  • Kill all city guards in the city of Zerbo after the main quest (Mace of the Guardian is needed!)

    10.91% (596.00)
  • All of the dwarves must survive in dungeon of Niethalf on Difficult or Very Difficult level

    14.18% (459.00)
  • Destroy the ballistas, the evil spirits and the portal without any help.

    40.73% (160.00)
  • Kill every monster in the arena.

    32.36% (201.00)
  • Yes you do!

    40.00% (163.00)
  • Close every gate after opening them

    0.36% (18073.00)
  • Change your mind three times

    40.73% (160.00)
  • Complete the 'The Citadel' map on Very Difficult level

    8.00% (813.00)
  • Find the lost orc soldiers

    41.45% (157.00)
  • Kill all the huge spiders on the mounds

    30.55% (213.00)
  • Win the duel against the Shaikan boss at the first attempt

    45.45% (143.00)
  • Hunt all the escaped monsters

    31.64% (206.00)
  • Kick the seal with all the fire golems

    2.91% (2236.00)
  • Break all the mind walls of Sariel in 10 minutes on Difficult or Very Difficult level.

    10.18% (639.00)
  • Kill the beast with the seal without trapping it on the bridge.

    40.36% (161.00)
  • Destroy the Demon base only with Shadows

    6.55% (993.00)
  • Walk through the maze without harming yourself

    9.82% (663.00)
  • Get the "parrot" alive

    27.27% (239.00)
  • Get the puzzle key without killing the Lich on Difficult or Very Difficult level

    4.00% (1627.00)
  • Destroy the southeastern Nameless base within 20 minutes on Difficult or Very Difficult level

    10.55% (617.00)
  • Collect every power crystal and power every tower before attacking Zazhut

    24.73% (263.00)
  • Find the mysterious green relic

    32.36% (201.00)