• 279,886 Achievements Earned
  • 46,079 Players Tracked
  • 29 Total Achievements
  • 44,484 Obtainable EXP
  • 62 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Submit a score from a system with 12 or more logical CPU cores.

    79.59% (61.00)
  • Can you handle Fire Strike Extreme?

    39.92% (121.00)
  • Fire Strike over 9000? There's no way that could be right.

    54.70% (88.00)
  • Submit a result using new hardware that isn't recognised by 3DMark.

    8.19% (589.00)
  • Submit a score that is at least 10% higher than your last score.

    41.46% (116.00)
  • Time Spy over 9000? There's (still) no way that could be right.

    60.16% (80.00)
  • Windows 10? Check. DirectX 12? Check. Time Spy? Check. Congratulations. You're ready!

    90.17% (53.00)
  • If your Time Spy frame rate is less than 5 FPS, just relax and enjoy the details.

    19.85% (243.00)
  • Score 99% or more in the Time Spy Stress Test.

    16.90% (285.00)
  • Spend five minutes in interactive mode in a feature test.

    3.09% (1560.00)
  • Achieve a good score for your hardware.

    32.15% (150.00)
  • Achieve a great score for your hardware.

    17.89% (269.00)
  • Achieve an excellent score for your hardware.

    11.18% (431.00)
  • Achieve a legendary score for your hardware.

    7.45% (647.00)
  • Achieve a great score or better for your hardware during Lunar New Year.

    1.62% (2976.00)
  • Pass a DirectX 12 stress test.

    17.63% (273.00)
  • Run Port Royal with an average frame rate greater than 40 FPS.

    13.36% (361.00)
  • Run Time Spy Extreme on January 1.

    2.80% (1722.00)
  • Run a benchmark between 00:00 and 06:00.

    25.11% (192.00)
  • Run a DirectX 12 graphics benchmark using integrated graphics.

    3.86% (1249.00)
  • Run Time Spy Extreme or Fire Strike Ultra.

    23.64% (204.00)
  • Run all four DirectX 12 Ultimate feature tests.

    3.84% (1255.00)
  • Run a DirectX 12 benchmark with custom settings.

    12.57% (383.00)
  • Keep the GPU temperature under 65 °C for the duration of a DirectX 12 stress test.

    6.49% (743.00)
  • Keep the CPU temperature below 55 °C during a CPU Profile benchmark run.

    2.79% (1728.00)
  • Keep the GPU temperature below 55 °C during a DirectX 12 benchmark run.

    9.31% (518.00)
  • Deliver a result of Steel Nomad with audio.

    0.82% (5879.00)
  • Use Explorer Mode to discover all secret areas in the world of Steel Nomad with all its hidden treasures.

    0.40% (12051.00)
  • Run Steel Nomad during the day (06:00 - 18:00), and Steel Nomad Light during the night (18:00 - 06:00).

    0.47% (10257.00)