• 1,502 Achievements Earned
  • 111 Players Tracked
  • 41 Total Achievements
  • 6,178 Obtainable EXP
  • 11 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Escaped University Prison Psych Ward

    100.00% (38.00)
  • Got your first ship

    90.09% (42.00)
  • Interacted with a citizen

    75.68% (50.00)
  • Captured the bird man for the robot

    22.52% (168.00)
  • Cleared all challenges in Corporate University Prison Town

    18.02% (210.00)
  • Visited So-Tep Slums

    68.47% (55.00)
  • Won the Race with ShortFat

    46.85% (81.00)
  • Discovered Backbone of the City

    30.63% (124.00)
  • Put out Fire

    25.23% (150.00)
  • Cleared all challenges in the So-Tep Slums

    16.22% (233.00)
  • Visited the Clown Town Renovation Zone

    47.75% (79.00)
  • 100% destruction in vestiges of previous society

    33.33% (114.00)
  • Saw Bone Leg’s Life’s Work

    43.24% (88.00)
  • Knocked 10 citizens into the abyss

    43.24% (88.00)
  • Completed two dance competitions

    22.52% (168.00)
  • Completed the jump challenge

    25.23% (150.00)
  • Freed the old baby

    27.03% (140.00)
  • Cleared all challenges in Clown Town Renovation Zone

    17.12% (221.00)
  • Visited Business Disintegration Zone

    43.24% (88.00)
  • Eliminated all Boxed Ducks

    30.63% (124.00)
  • Eliminated all basketball hoops

    29.73% (127.00)
  • Helped underground people with their camera problem

    27.03% (140.00)
  • Found the secret rooftop film

    27.93% (135.00)
  • Cleared all challenges in the Business Disintegration District

    17.12% (221.00)
  • Visited Two Butts Alien Colony

    51.35% (74.00)
  • Got all masks

    33.33% (114.00)
  • Got endless Butt Ship

    51.35% (74.00)
  • Found secret alien blob

    24.32% (156.00)
  • Escaped Lavender Island

    50.45% (75.00)
  • Cleared all challenges in Two-Butts Extraterrestrial Colony

    17.12% (221.00)
  • Went to all 5 concerts

    14.41% (263.00)
  • Found all 15 Haikus

    19.82% (191.00)
  • Read all info signs throughout the island

    20.72% (183.00)
  • Activated all 15 sculptures on the island

    19.82% (191.00)
  • Found every poem letter

    17.12% (221.00)
  • All peepholes found

    18.92% (200.00)
  • Ran simulation all the way through

    10.81% (350.00)
  • Total completion 100%

    18.02% (210.00)
  • Helped out some clowns and joined their cult

    21.62% (175.00)
  • Sucked up and spit out citizens in every level

    20.72% (183.00)
  • Learned all Lavender’s Corporate secrets

    14.41% (263.00)