• 424,080 Achievements Earned
  • 17,728 Players Tracked
  • 161 Total Achievements
  • 10,771 Obtainable EXP
  • 704 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Marry another character

    98.17% (6.00)
  • Set up an antipope

    22.84% (27.00)
  • Play a game where there are two simultaneous antipopes

    16.50% (38.00)
  • Fulfill the Become Exalted ambition

    35.11% (18.00)
  • Have your spouse assassinated

    49.77% (13.00)
  • Work your way up from Count to Duke with a single character

    48.17% (13.00)
  • Sire five children

    66.14% (9.00)
  • Fulfill the goal of a Crusade

    42.26% (15.00)
  • Fulfill the Paragon of Virtue ambition

    34.07% (18.00)
  • Hold the kingdoms of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland

    17.60% (36.00)
  • Starting in the "High Middle Ages" bookmark as William the Bastard, become the King of England

    20.75% (30.00)
  • Work your way up from Count to King with a single character

    37.69% (17.00)
  • Work your way up from Count to Emperor with a single character

    23.05% (27.00)
  • Play a game all the way through from 1066 to 1453

    10.14% (62.00)
  • Starting in the "High Middle Ages" bookmark as Harald of Norway, become the King of England

    13.48% (46.00)
  • Starting in the "High Middle Ages" bookmark, hold the Kingdom of Jerusalem

    13.24% (47.00)
  • As a Catholic, have a border with Miaphysite Abyssinia

    10.27% (61.00)
  • As a character with the Russian Culture, hold the Empire of Russia

    11.55% (54.00)
  • Starting in the "High Middle Ages" bookmark as Svend II of Denmark, become the King of England

    8.68% (72.00)
  • Have Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina within your Realm

    12.34% (51.00)
  • As an Orthodox Christian, hold Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem

    11.90% (53.00)
  • Restore the Roman Empire

    12.02% (52.00)
  • As the Roman Empire, reclaim the old imperial borders

    8.25% (76.00)
  • As a Zoroastrian, become the prophesied Saoshyant

    7.52% (83.00)
  • As a Jew, create the Kingdom of Israel

    8.50% (74.00)
  • Reform one of the Pagan religions

    24.51% (26.00)
  • Go on a Hajj to Mecca

    27.56% (23.00)
  • Go on a Christian Pilgrimage

    36.97% (17.00)
  • As a Patrician, win an election and become Doge

    20.53% (30.00)
  • Amass more than 20,000 in wealth

    21.40% (29.00)
  • Amass more than 10,000 in piety

    21.11% (30.00)
  • Amass more than 15,000 in prestige

    26.84% (23.00)
  • As a Patrician dynasty, build every upgrade for your Family Palace

    12.29% (51.00)
  • Your Republic maintains trade posts in 80 provinces

    7.89% (79.00)
  • Conquer continental Western Europe as the Mongol Empire, starting in "Age of the Mongols" bookmark

    5.70% (110.00)
  • As a Viking, return home with 1,000 worth of loot

    13.50% (46.00)
  • Throw the Aztec invaders back into the sea

    9.03% (69.00)
  • Play a game all the way through from 867 to 1453

    8.26% (76.00)
  • Achieve a score of 100,000

    22.11% (28.00)
  • Achieve a score of 50,000

    29.69% (21.00)
  • Achieve a score of 10,000

    47.39% (13.00)
  • Fund an immoral bishop and get him elected Pope

    5.96% (105.00)
  • Starting in the "High Middle Ages" bookmark as the Abbasid Caliph, become independent and hold an empire title

    6.70% (93.00)
  • As a Muslim, crush a Decadence revolt

    7.36% (85.00)
  • Sire a child that has the Inbred trait

    24.36% (26.00)
  • Assassinate a vassal bishop that likes the Pope better than you

    37.30% (17.00)
  • Have seven courtiers with the Dwarf trait

    9.28% (67.00)
  • Sacrifice another religion's head as a Norse or Aztec pagan

    6.92% (90.00)
  • Play as three consecutive generations of empresses

    8.00% (78.00)
  • As a woman, have three different husbands killed

    10.15% (62.00)
  • Rule the Empire of Britannia as a Hindu, Buddhist or Jain character

    6.45% (97.00)
  • As a ruler of non-Indian culture, conquer a King or Emperor title in India

    12.44% (50.00)
  • Become Samrat Chakravartin

    7.14% (88.00)
  • Sacrifice a King or Emperor tier character to Kali

    6.28% (100.00)
  • Kill a tiger by your own hand

    11.33% (55.00)
  • Rule the Empire of Rajastan and convert all its provinces to Islam

    6.33% (99.00)
  • Rule an Indian Kingdom or Empire as a Christian and convert all its provinces

    8.02% (78.00)
  • Convert both Rome and Constantinople to the same (Indian) religion

    6.06% (103.00)
  • Convert Mecca to Hinduism, Buddhism or Jainism

    6.67% (94.00)
  • Be Emperor of both Persia and Rajastan

    7.31% (86.00)
  • Found the Holy Roman Empire in a game starting in 769

    12.49% (50.00)
  • Rule as Emperor with the Reformed Zun Faith

    6.94% (90.00)
  • As a Christian non-Saxon, completely conquer Saxony in a game starting in 769

    14.53% (43.00)
  • As an Anglo-Saxon or Saxon ruler, be king of both Saxony and England

    6.96% (90.00)
  • Be King of Frisia and hold the Atlantic coast from Léon in Brittany to Jylland

    8.84% (71.00)
  • Become Emperor of Francia as Carloman, brother of Charlemagne

    8.79% (71.00)
  • Hold any Emperor or King title as a Lombard after 1300

    6.40% (98.00)
  • Have a capital province with Norse culture and Muslim religion

    7.14% (88.00)
  • Be simultaneously at war with the Aztecs and the Mongols

    6.46% (97.00)
  • Divorce a Lombard Princess as a Christian

    13.33% (47.00)
  • Play a game all the way through from 769 to 1453

    9.47% (66.00)
  • Play as a Tribal Ruler and Reform to Feudalism

    31.09% (20.00)
  • Play as a Tribal Ruler and Reform to Merchant Republic

    12.85% (49.00)
  • Kill your prey in the Epic Hunt

    13.29% (47.00)
  • Successfully seduce 10 people by targeted seduction with one character

    16.49% (38.00)
  • Successfully slander 20 people with one character

    7.65% (82.00)
  • Have 6 close family members as friends

    7.30% (86.00)
  • Successfully establish a trade route

    37.14% (17.00)
  • Win 7 duels with one character

    20.02% (31.00)
  • Gain the Legendary Wisdom modifier

    7.58% (83.00)
  • Gain the Hedonist trait through carousing

    13.74% (46.00)
  • Build an Observatory

    35.44% (18.00)
  • Gain the Theologian trait

    18.08% (35.00)
  • As a steppe horde, conquer the whole steppe region.

    6.00% (104.00)
  • Start in Western Europe and completely conquer the region of Mongolia.

    5.81% (108.00)
  • As a Norse character, become King of Mongolia.

    5.76% (109.00)
  • Build 3 fully upgraded silk road trade posts.

    7.10% (88.00)
  • Settle a steppe mercenary with more than 20 martial in your lands.

    5.81% (108.00)
  • Defeat a sibling in a war using the rival casus belli.

    6.96% (90.00)
  • Conquer Constantinople as a Turkic steppe horde.

    6.17% (101.00)
  • As a steppe horde, have a population of 150 000.

    7.20% (87.00)
  • As a steppe horde, have an independent tributary King or Emperor in the British Isles

    6.12% (102.00)
  • Own all the silk route ports in india as a European merchant republic.

    5.36% (117.00)
  • Play as a character with Wolf's Blood.

    6.90% (91.00)
  • Have all members of your council be Loyalists.

    20.71% (30.00)
  • Have someone owe you a Favor

    45.39% (14.00)
  • Sit on the council and have every other council member as well as the ruler owing you a favor.

    6.24% (100.00)
  • Win a war using Mercenaries.

    38.12% (16.00)
  • Create a mercenary band and have them bring in money for you.

    26.00% (24.00)
  • As a ruler have a council that is not content.

    48.35% (13.00)
  • Successfully intervene in a youth's development to force one of your own traits onto them.

    38.60% (16.00)
  • Have at least one child with each of the five level four education traits.

    6.22% (101.00)
  • As a vassal use a favor to change a law.

    7.93% (79.00)
  • Enforce peace for 6 or more vassals.

    6.94% (90.00)
  • Build a Hospital.

    39.06% (16.00)
  • Have elephants trample the Pope/Caliph.

    6.80% (92.00)
  • From Seclusion, kick someone out who had the plague.

    12.19% (51.00)
  • From Seclusion, kick someone out who did not have the plague.

    21.11% (30.00)
  • Go into Seclusion.

    40.02% (16.00)
  • Survive the End Times.

    6.33% (99.00)
  • Kill a character with the Immortal trait.

    7.51% (83.00)
  • Become immortal.

    9.95% (63.00)
  • Contract three symptoms.

    42.85% (15.00)
  • Become One-Eyed, One-Legged and One-Handed.

    10.25% (61.00)
  • Recover from the Black Death.

    15.79% (40.00)
  • Die from the Black Death.

    15.65% (40.00)
  • As an assassin, assassinate a Crusader King in the Holy land.

    6.03% (104.00)
  • Become Grandmaster of any devil-worshiper society.

    18.30% (34.00)
  • As the Anti-Christ/spawn of Satan, become Grandmaster of the Satanists.

    7.58% (83.00)
  • As a Muslim King or higher, become Grandmaster of the Assassins.

    7.72% (81.00)
  • Have a priest you corrupted (as a Satanist) become Pope.

    6.67% (94.00)
  • As female Messalian/Bogomilist/Cathar Ruler own all 5 baronies which make up the Orthodox Pentarchies and have a female temple holder control them.

    5.09% (123.00)
  • Have the kingdom of Frisia as your primary title and have the duchies of Flanders and Brabant be dejure part of it.

    5.73% (109.00)
  • Start as the holder of Gotland and form the empire of Scandinavia.

    7.58% (83.00)
  • Start as a Norse Character, hold a Kingdom in India as your primary title. Your capital must also be located in India and converted to Norse.

    5.51% (114.00)
  • Execute 10 or more prisoners in a single action.

    15.97% (39.00)
  • Starting and staying as a Han Chinese character, be an independent King or Emperor and rule all of North Africa (the Maghreb region).

    5.21% (120.00)
  • Have your dynasty rule 10 independent Feudal/Iqta/Monastic Feudal Kingdoms or Empires with at least 25 realm size each. You must be one of them.

    5.51% (114.00)
  • As Mu’nis al-Muzaffar of Galilee in 867, become an Emperor and have at least 100 realm size.

    5.39% (116.00)
  • Starting as the last remnant of the White Huns (the Count of Mohadavasaka in 769) restore the borders of the Hephthalite Empire.

    5.29% (118.00)
  • Starting as a Norse character, rule the Kingdom of England (or the Empire of Britannia) as an English cultured character of a Christian religion.

    5.51% (114.00)
  • Starting as the Count of Sakya in 1066, rule as an independent Buddhist King or Emperor and control all Buddhist Holy Sites.

    5.06% (124.00)
  • Request an Imperial Marriage from China.

    13.52% (46.00)
  • Eat a character of the Bön religion.

    6.13% (102.00)
  • Send a Eunuch to the Chinese Emperor.

    17.65% (35.00)
  • Send an invaluable artifact (Quality: 4 or 5) to the Emperor of China.

    12.00% (52.00)
  • Found a Bloodline as a particularly cunning, ruthless and skilled Duelist.

    4.78% (131.00)
  • Starting as Eustache de Boulogne (the Count of Boulogne in France) in 1066, choose to play as your beneficiary after they are made King or Queen in Jerusalem after a Crusade.

    5.13% (122.00)
  • Win a Crusade targeting Byzantium.

    9.82% (64.00)
  • Create the Empire of the Outremer.

    5.89% (106.00)
  • Have 5 Historical Bloodlines on your character.

    5.61% (112.00)
  • Have 100 kills in your Kill List.

    13.14% (48.00)
  • As an Emperor, grab the crown out of the Pope's hands and crown yourself.

    6.36% (98.00)
  • Found a Legendary Bloodline while part of a Warrior Lodge.

    12.30% (51.00)
  • Starting as Erik the Heathen in 1066, rule the Kingdom of Sweden with the reformed Germanic Faith.

    5.45% (115.00)
  • Reform the Hellenic faith.

    7.80% (80.00)
  • As a religion worshipping Bloodthirsty Gods, sacrifice enough people to found a Bloodline.

    6.89% (91.00)
  • As a ruler with any Pagan religion, win a Christian Crusade targeting you.

    7.37% (85.00)
  • As a member of the Ashina clan, solidify your divinity by ruling as Religious Head of the Reformed Tengri religion.

    5.18% (121.00)
  • Have a character you used to play be proclaimed a saint and have their Saintly Bloodline running in your veins.

    13.91% (45.00)
  • As a character with a religion that practice Divine Marriages, have one of your siblings, parents and children as spouses/consorts at the same time.

    5.34% (117.00)
  • As a King or Emperor, have one of your domain Counties under the influence of a successful Rain Dance.

    11.66% (54.00)
  • As a Tribal ruler, gain a title you have a claim on by duelling the holder.

    12.72% (49.00)
  • Unite the Kingdoms of the three brothers, Lech, Czech and Rus, into one Slavic Union.

    5.88% (106.00)
  • As an East Slavic Pagan King or Emperor with your capital in the Eastern Europe region, successfully ask the ruler of Byzantium for a mass conversion.

    6.42% (98.00)
  • Find love after a duel.

    8.69% (72.00)
  • Starting in a Shattered World, rule an Empire.

    8.77% (71.00)
  • Starting in a Shattered World, defeat a Great Conqueror in a war.

    5.32% (118.00)
  • In a Shattered World with ‘Holding Types’ set to ‘Tribal’ or ‘Tribal & Nomadic’, adopt Feudalism or Republicanism.

    6.23% (101.00)
  • Start a Random World with all possible settings set to ‘Random’ and play for 200 years.

    5.30% (118.00)
  • Start a Random World as a 0 year old Count, with the maximum character age set to 0, become King or Emperor within 16 years.

    6.64% (94.00)