• 257 Achievements Earned
  • 15 Players Tracked
  • 44 Total Achievements
  • 8,665 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Strike a favorable trade deal with the Envric ambassador.

    100.00% (63.00)
  • Grow a tree in the Arborturgic Gardens.

    53.33% (118.00)
  • Win a duel on the army's parade ground.

    53.33% (118.00)
  • Use your bartering skills to buy something in the markets at a discount.

    66.67% (95.00)
  • Persuade the Arborturgic Order to fight against the enemy.

    73.33% (86.00)
  • Surprise the enemy with a deadly trap that kills hundreds before they even reach your walls.

    46.67% (135.00)
  • Take to the front lines to successfully repel the enemy from your walls.

    66.67% (95.00)
  • After the first attack, successfully pass a message to your people that furthers your goals.

    80.00% (79.00)
  • Beat Heartstone in a sparring match.

    46.67% (135.00)
  • Save Floros's warehouse from destruction.

    53.33% (118.00)
  • Stop the Skegg's trebuchets from hurling rocks at your city.

    66.67% (95.00)
  • Discover what happened in Threndwood without any assistance.

    53.33% (118.00)
  • Triumph over the beast that lurks beneath Treboulain.

    26.67% (237.00)
  • Rescue the hostage from the enemy camp.

    33.33% (189.00)
  • Impress the crowd at Pekka Toivanen's party by performing a perfect dance.

    40.00% (158.00)
  • Win a card game at Pekka Toivanen's party.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Complete your trade dealings with Legate Maan with the most favorable conditions for Treboulain.

    46.67% (135.00)
  • Have the Order's dispute resolved in accordance with your personal opinion.

    60.00% (105.00)
  • Single-handedly change the outcome of the Order's dispute at the last moment.

    33.33% (189.00)
  • See the Order's dispute end amicably among the different factions.

    6.67% (946.00)
  • See the Order's dispute end with anger and division among the factions.

    53.33% (118.00)
  • Enter a relationship with Marshal Heartstone.

    40.00% (158.00)
  • Enter a relationship with Priestess Saphira.

    20.00% (315.00)
  • Enter a relationship with Dimi Floros.

    20.00% (315.00)
  • Enter a relationship with Celestino Yearn.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Inspire Celestino Yearn to create a masterful art piece in your honor.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Give a perfect speech to rouse your people's spirits.

    53.33% (118.00)
  • Rescue Marshal Heartstone from certain death.

    66.67% (95.00)
  • Save Priestess Saphira from certain death.

    53.33% (118.00)
  • Negotiate a ceasefire with Emperor Markov to end the siege.

    26.67% (237.00)
  • While negotiating the ceasefire with Markov, change the terms to make Markov pay for your city's repairs and restore your supplies.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Defeat Markov in single combat.

    53.33% (118.00)
  • Win the siege and defeat the enemy.

    60.00% (105.00)
  • Survive the siege but lose your throne.

    6.67% (946.00)
  • Make your rival withdraw his claim for your throne.

    66.67% (95.00)
  • End the siege with Treboulain's buildings and walls in good condition.

    60.00% (105.00)
  • End the siege with plenty of food and supplies for your citizens.

    20.00% (315.00)
  • End the siege with Treboulain as a rich city, with ample coins in the treasury.

    73.33% (86.00)
  • Have your people call you a tyrant.

    6.67% (946.00)
  • Let the chaos in your city explode to unbearable levels.

    20.00% (315.00)
  • Die by execution.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Die as a martyr, inspiring your people to rise up against Markov.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Escape from prison and flee from Treboulain to avoid execution.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Leave a legacy that will endure long after your death.

    6.67% (946.00)