• 3,268 Achievements Earned
  • 178 Players Tracked
  • 47 Total Achievements
  • 6,755 Obtainable EXP
  • 17 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You've earned every achievement there is to obtain. Gehe. Live proud with your Ego, empty and vain.

    9.55% (406.00)
  • You've triumphed over the Pactbearer of Pride. Gehe. Justice is the victor's right to decide.

    70.22% (55.00)
  • You've triumphed over the Pactbearer of Envy. Gehe. One must suffer to know how precious peace can be.

    42.13% (92.00)
  • You've triumphed over the Pactbearer of Wrath. Gehe. Emotions alone cannot pave you a path.

    43.82% (88.00)
  • You've triumphed over the Pactbearers of Lust. Gehe. If you hope to avoid pain, a change of heart is a must.

    37.08% (104.00)
  • You've triumphed over the Pactbearer of Greed. Gehe. Your fate changed with the last wish he could plead.

    30.90% (125.00)
  • You and Nozomi triumphed against woe. Gehe. Were your wishes and hopes ever realized, though?

    21.91% (177.00)
  • You and Shinya triumphed against woe. Gehe. Did you manage to earn his faith and trust, though?

    19.10% (203.00)
  • You and Ryotaro triumphed against woe. Gehe. Did you manage to get your fill of things, though?

    22.47% (172.00)
  • You and Kokoro triumphed against woe. Gehe. Did you manage to get closer to her heart, though?

    19.66% (197.00)
  • You've triumphed over the Pactbearer of Woe. Gehe. So lamentable when one denies themself, no?

    17.98% (215.00)
  • You defeated ■■■-■■■■■■■ with little to spare. Stand tall, little "human" who subdued the unfair.

    17.98% (215.00)
  • You heard a recording from one who has passed. Gehe... This newfound quiet occurred far too fast.

    23.03% (168.00)
  • You've entered Madness in all its brutality. Gehe. Brandish the bane of irrationality.

    52.81% (73.00)
  • You've become Awakened for the first time, I see. Gehe. To control the Madness, your will is the key.

    71.91% (54.00)
  • You've become Enlightened for the first time. Gehe. Control the Madness to attain your prime.

    32.58% (119.00)
  • You've experienced your very first Resonation. Gehe. Bonds of the soul can be your salvation.

    70.22% (55.00)
  • You've donned a full set of Vessels with skills, I see. Gehe. Names and nature do often agree.

    71.91% (54.00)
  • You've customized a Fiend for the first time. Gehe. Follow your Ego against reason and rhyme.

    87.08% (44.00)
  • You've changed a Fiend's name for the very first time. Gehe. Just don't give them one that would count as a crime.

    39.33% (99.00)
  • You've acquired your very first Alter Ego. Gehe. Interacting with others is what makes one grow.

    65.73% (59.00)
  • You've taken a student's psychology test. Gehe. It's up to you to define yourself best.

    87.64% (44.00)
  • You've made your first call to the Otherworld. Gehe. Fear not the abyss, nor what is unfurled.

    77.53% (50.00)
  • You managed to unlock a locker. Gehe. What did you find? A present? A shocker?

    77.53% (50.00)
  • You had Vanitas create an item or gear. Gehe. I'm only assisting, just so we're clear.

    74.16% (52.00)
  • You've listened to your first BGM sound test. Gehe. It's important to take an occasional rest.

    58.99% (66.00)
  • You've visited the infirmary for 20 examinations. Gehe. Just remember to overexert yourself in moderation...

    32.58% (119.00)
  • You've saved 20 numbers in your Contacts list. Gehe. Find any good hunting grounds in your midst?

    30.90% (125.00)
  • You took at least half of the psychology tests. Gehe. Are you more self-aware now than you had guessed?

    26.40% (147.00)
  • You have at least half of the Cromwell Records in tow. Gehe. Knowledge is power; power is what you know.

    38.20% (101.00)
  • You've registered at least half of the Profiles. Gehe. Knowing others can take you for miles.

    46.07% (84.00)
  • You've participated in 30 battles or more. Gehe. Living beings are predisposed to war.

    43.82% (88.00)
  • You've performed 50 Assist Attacks. Gehe. Success stems from having each other's backs.

    48.31% (80.00)
  • You've made at least 30 Deferrals to date. Gehe. It's important to know how to delegate.

    43.26% (90.00)
  • You've earned over 2,000,000 SPIRIT to date. Gehe. Have you gained enough power to satiate?

    12.36% (313.00)
  • You equipped a set of EX Rank Vessels on a Fiend. Gehe. Are they now the way you have always dreamed?

    20.22% (192.00)
  • You've seen everybody's Awakened Arts. Gehe. Defiance stems from the will of one's heart.

    14.04% (276.00)
  • You've seen everybody's Enlightened Arts. Gehe. Fulfill your Ego with the power Madness imparts.

    13.48% (287.00)
  • You've unlocked one unit's every ability. Gehe. Using them right is now your responsibility.

    21.91% (177.00)
  • You've unlocked every ability for every unit. Gehe. I never imagined you'd manage to do it.

    11.24% (345.00)
  • You've gotten intel about all seven wonders. Gehe. Did any make your curiosity thunder?

    21.91% (177.00)
  • You managed to earn an S-Rank result. Gehe. You did well--and that's not an insult.

    58.43% (66.00)
  • You used a Hazard to defeat a foe. Gehe. You're utterly deranged, you know.

    33.15% (117.00)
  • You've performed a four-unit Assist Attack. Gehe. Whoever it is, they're not coming back.

    30.34% (128.00)
  • You've performed a five-unit Assist Attack. Gehe. The key to battle is to fight in a pack.

    20.79% (186.00)
  • You've dealt over 10,000 damage in a single turn. Gehe. Keep improving yourself--live and learn.

    14.04% (276.00)
  • You've proven your Ego and seen your wish through. Gehe. One thing's end is the start of something new.

    11.24% (345.00)