• 1,632 Achievements Earned
  • 41 Players Tracked
  • 51 Total Achievements
  • 744 Obtainable EXP
  • 26 100% Club

Steam Price History

Store Description

Trophy Chaser

Trophy Chaser is a pixel platformer game where you have to collect the trophys to get the achievements, are you able to collect them all? Prove it in the gamer way!

How to Play:

Up: W / ⬆
Down: S / ⬇
Left: A / ⬅
Right: D / ➡
Jump: K / Space-bar
Dash: L / Left-shift
Menu: Esc
Reset: R

How does the Dash works?
You can dash to any of the 8 directions (you must be in the air to dash).
↖️  ⬆  ↗️
⬅    *    ➡
↙️  ⬇  ↘️

This Game Includes:

● 50 Challenging Stages
● 51 Achievements (There Is A Secret One ;) )
● A Pretty Good Game Music