• 2 Achievements Earned
  • 1 Players Tracked
  • 7 Total Achievements
  • 50 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club

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Store Description

Prime Horror II Is a Multiplayer 8 page styled horror game with a comedic skin over it. In this 4V1 player vs monster style gameplay format you can play on either side of the warehouse. Play as the nefarious Joe Bozo equipped with the soul purpose of taking on a murderous rage against your opponents. Or Team up with your friends and try to escape Joe Bozo. Using your wits and a trusty flashlight set with a multitude of ways to win. From finding all the packages (acting as the pages in a 8 page horror game) or Equipping yourself with matches and burning all of Joe Bozos cult like Totems in order extinguish him. Break some Ankles and TBag your way to victory in this Shovelware garbage game. C'mon like seriously this is probably 8 page clone #4,291,290 on steam at this point so yea just take it for what it is and have a good laugh.