• 7 Achievements Earned
  • 3 Players Tracked
  • 14 Total Achievements
  • 2,246 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club

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The Nautikins have evolved from a species similar to dolphins to inherit the planet after untold eons. Masters of boat building they have set out to dominate the seas with exploration and shipping routes. This game is pretty complex, so be sure to check out the .


  • Boat building
  • Buoyancy physics
  • Plane building
  • Helicopter building
  • Airfoils / Aero drag
  • Multiplayer
  • Vessel building system
  • Dynamic weather
  • Dynamic ocean simulation (waves)
  • Underwater simulation
  • Many islands to explore
  • Inventory system
  • Vessel damage system
  • Trade routes and shipping


There is an elaborate vessel building interface that allows you to build sea or air vessels in an open world drydock or runway respectively.
Building vessels can be complicated the guides below will help:


Once you have built a sea worthy vessel, there are various activities you can do like deliveries, rescues treasure hunts, and more. There are also various combat related activities which allow you to battle AI enemies. Check of this for more info.


A massive open world / ocean map filled with islands awaits you! Be warned though! If you go to far out to sea (currently ~50km), the sea monsters may think you are lunch. Below are some guides that will help with exploration:


Multiplayer supports every feature that is supported in single player. You can build boats and deploy them and your friends will see them and be able to crew or captain them. Some functionality may be authorized only by the owner of the server depending on the effect.


The game includes a very basic low profile text based chat to allow for communication during multiplayer. It is intended primarily as a quick message relay and to aid players in connecting on Discord or Steam chat.


Physical weather systems (Rain, Storms, Fog, Wind, etc.) move around the map and can be monitored for your vessels safety on a journey. The further away from the protection of the islands the more intense the affect the weather will have on your vessel and the ocean waves around you. Be prepared for severe weather such as "tidal" force waves and whirlpools.