• 10,464 Trophies Earned
  • 656 Players Tracked
  • 51 Total Trophies
  • 10,031 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 35 Platinum Club
  • 35 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtained all trophies.

    5.34% (612.00)
  • In recognition of your departure from Hakum and arrival in Darj Snowfields. A new journey begins here.

    58.69% (56.00)
  • In recognition of your Gildegaran visit. A heavily guilded emblem.

    46.95% (70.00)
  • In recognition of your Oasum visit. A gloriously autumnal bookmark.

    38.26% (85.00)
  • In recognition of your Albarax visit. A dried twig symbolic of the village.

    36.13% (91.00)
  • In recognition of your Geo-Fulkright visit. Minerals make many medals!

    33.69% (97.00)
  • In recognition of your visit to Koapni. A purrfectly pelagic powerstone.

    28.35% (115.00)
  • In recognition of completing the main story and revisiting Pondry Hills. Kinship lights the Rider's way.

    18.29% (179.00)
  • In recognition of completing at least one Subquest. Good job, but you've still got a long way to go!

    80.79% (40.00)
  • In recognition of your completing at least 10 Subquests. Getting there, eh?

    65.24% (50.00)
  • In recognition of your completing at least 100 Subquests. Better than all the rest!

    25.46% (128.00)
  • In recognition of completing the Debli Subquest and revisiting Koapni Village. Ya still don't boogie the Poogie!

    20.27% (161.00)
  • In recognition of completing Avinia's Subquest and revisiting Koapni Village. Mucho mutual assistance. Nice!

    16.92% (193.00)
  • In recognition of completing Reverto's Subquest and revisiting Reverto's house. Learning the Hunter's way...

    17.23% (190.00)
  • In recognition of completing Simone's Subquest and revisiting the Scriveners. The endless pursuit of the unknown!

    23.93% (137.00)
  • In recognition of completing The Channeler's Subquest and revisiting the Darj Mountain Cabins. A new Riddle Master!

    9.60% (341.00)
  • In recognition of revisiting Albarax after fully restoring it. A leafy twig symbolic of the village.

    34.91% (94.00)
  • In recognition of defeating the monster on the highest floor of The Tower of Illusion. You conquered the summit!

    5.64% (580.00)
  • In recognition of defeating the boss of the Shadow Labyrinth. A-mazingly good!

    7.93% (412.00)
  • In recognition of saving at least 10 Barrel Felynes. Roll out the barrel...

    14.79% (221.00)
  • In recognition of five consecutive Head-to-Head wins. Headbanger!

    55.03% (59.00)
  • In recognition of executing a Double Attack. Keep up the great teamwork!

    85.82% (38.00)
  • For executing at least 10 Kinship Skills successfully. United in victory.

    55.03% (59.00)
  • In recognition of winning at least 500 battles. For those who seldom know defeat.

    12.50% (262.00)
  • For obtaining S Rank in at least 50 battles. A crest to commemorate your style.

    24.39% (134.00)
  • In recognition of hatching an egg. A broody seal for the mother in all of us.

    100.00% (33.00)
  • For acquiring at least 50 eggs from Monster's Dens. Peerless in your pilfering.

    28.20% (116.00)
  • For performing the Rite of Channeling. Evidence of your excellent erudition.

    49.70% (66.00)
  • For achieving bingo in the Rite of Channeling. Magnify those Monsties!

    38.57% (85.00)
  • For raising a Monstie to Level 99. Pushing limits to their, err, limits!

    9.15% (357.00)
  • For making a Great Sword. Slice, slash, sever, stab.

    41.46% (79.00)
  • For making a Sword & Shield. Intense combos for your delectation.

    39.94% (82.00)
  • For making a Hammer. Try its heavy strikes for—not on—yourself.

    40.09% (82.00)
  • For making a Hunting Horn. Play yourself an itty bitty ditty.

    40.09% (82.00)
  • For making a set of armor. Trust in it, you made it, after all...

    43.90% (74.00)
  • For acquiring a rarity 7 weapon or armor. A kingly achievement indeed!

    16.16% (202.00)
  • For acquiring a rarity 8 accessory. A queenly achievement indeed.

    6.71% (487.00)
  • For completing an egg from fragments. A golden egg of success.

    16.46% (199.00)
  • For acquiring a Ritual Item. Monstie power in crimson form.

    57.77% (57.00)
  • For collecting all recipes. Proof of your mastery over all items.

    6.25% (523.00)
  • For finding and talking to all of the lost Poogies around the world. A compilation of blood, sweat & oinks.

    8.69% (376.00)
  • For slaying every kind of monster. Filled with info about all sorts of monsters.

    6.40% (511.00)
  • For winning Bronze at the Rider Arena. Good, but it's not Silver...

    16.46% (199.00)
  • For winning Silver at the Rider Arena. Good, but it's not Gold...

    10.21% (320.00)
  • For winning Gold at the Rider Arena. Good, but it's not Platinum...

    7.01% (466.00)
  • For winning Platinum at the Rider Arena. Now this really IS good!

    6.25% (523.00)
  • For gathering items at least 100 times. The embodiment of insatiable curiosity.

    72.10% (45.00)
  • For accumulating at least 1,000,000z. Next round of bumblepumpkins is on you!

    8.99% (364.00)
  • For an Awesome Expedition Party result. Illegible Monstie scribbles.

    27.74% (118.00)
  • For riding the Catavan at least 10 times. A cap brimming with Catavaner pride.

    45.43% (72.00)
  • For a Great fishing result at least 10 times. See things from a different angle.

    30.03% (109.00)