• 7 Achievements Earned
  • 1 Players Tracked
  • 7 Total Achievements
  • 49 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

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About the Game


A visual novel about life in a post-Soviet country. Cute artwork, 10 CGs, 5 BGs, and 5 CGs in chibi style in 4k resolution, animated Live2D sprites, original soundtracks, and a touching story!


Slava - a young FSB(KGB) officer from Siberia. He used to be involved in dubious activities, but believed it was in the interests of the Motherland. However, one day he met Lena - a poor orphan girl from Belarus, who was sold by her caregiver for food. According to the rules, he had only two options - to send her to the migration center and deport her back to her homeland, or to kill her on the spot. He couldn't bring himself to do either, and decided to hide her in his home.

However, this turned out to be much more difficult than he expected. Can he overcome the fear for his own life? Can he constantly hide the truth about Lena from his wife? Can this chance encounter change his view on his previous actions?