• 309 Achievements Earned
  • 26 Players Tracked
  • 37 Total Achievements
  • 12,337 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club

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Store Description

Mass O' Kyzt is an arena based platformer wherein you upgrade your enemies.

Play as an astronaut fighting aliens on the planet Ky, home of the psychic hivemind race known as the Kyzt. In this 2D side-scroller, you will destroy masses of aliens living on the aforementioned planet.

As it stands, your objective is to destroy as many Kyztlings as you possibly can. Hopefully, someone somewhere will come to rescue you before you're overwhelmed!

You will be placed at a location specifically chosen by your administrators on the surface of planet Ky. From there, you must fight off hoards of Kyztlings - small, malleable aliens which obey no higher power than their Hive Master.

Every so often, you are forced to decide between making your enemies stronger, faster or tougher. Whichever you choose will immediately augment the Kyzt forces, causing them to become more effective in their advances.

Supplies are sparse on planet Ky, so it's very difficult to get a chance to recover any damage that you take. However, Kyztlings are an excellent source of Special Energy. Special Energy won't heal you, but it is able to be used as ammunition for more powerful shots. Some forms of Special Energy are known to have unusual effects on your weapon, so stay alert!

Regarding the demo:

The demo is on its way! As soon as I've finished making it, it'll be in your anxious hands for you to interact with. While you're waiting, here are some fun activities to occupy your listless mind.
  • Add Mass O' Kyzt to your Steam Wishlist
  • Tell your friends about the game
  • Put up posters in your local area
  • Get a tattoo of the logo
  • Make friends with a beetle named Paulo
  • Scour the Internet for the copious quantities of stuff that I publicize about the game's progress and development
  • Check back on this page every single day until the game is released, and then a few days after that