• 17 Achievements Earned
  • 5 Players Tracked
  • 9 Total Achievements
  • 3,758 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club

Steam Price History

Store Description

It's the 19th century, you're a worker whom has just gotten a job at a new toy factory, which has just opened up in town. The letter you received said the following:
"Welcome, employee, to the marvelous world of Toys You Like! The most magical factory in the world, where we value hard work and employees that go above and beyond. Times are tight and jobs are precious, so we require you to work fast and precise."

Never would you have guessed the madness you're about to be a part of...

The Factory:

In this high-stress, multitasking challenge, your day begins with fueling the boiler to get the machinery running. As you control the speed of the engine, you'll need to assemble robot toys on the production line, using a wrench to fix any machines that break down. Fail to keep up with the daily quota and your watchful boss will quickly show his displeasure.

But the challenges don't end there:
Each day brings new obstacles – from mischievous toys disrupting the assembly line to the competitors of the factory intending to snatch you away. Stay alert, stay vigilant and above all stay loyal.


The packages you made need to be delivered as well and of course this task falls on your shoulders. You will have to manage the lorry's various controls whilst following the directions given by your boss. Once again he demands perfection and once again time runs out fast, so best be swift! Oh and... be cautious for any "obstacles" on the road ahead...

Custom Days:

Have you survived the week? Have a go at the Custom Day and Custom Delivery modes in which you can tweak all the day's parameters to you liking to create fun challenges and experiments.