• 927 Trophies Earned
  • 129 Players Tracked
  • 22 Total Trophies
  • 9,097 Obtainable EXP
  • 930 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 8 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Feed your first Karma Tree.

    81.40% (4.00)
  • Finish a Loop level with every single fruit eaten by you or your teammates.

    89.15% (4.00)
  • Jump on a whale's water platform while playing as a whale yourself.

    12.40% (608.00)
  • End a Zoo Loop with 3 Karma Gifts collected by you or your team.

    62.79% (120.00)
  • Save a teammate's Halo from popping at the very last second.

    33.33% (226.00)
  • Send & receive a Karma Kiss to and from the same other player.

    94.57% (4.00)
  • Find a secret statue in your Sanctuary.

    32.56% (231.00)
  • Complete a dance in a naughty eye's reach.

    21.71% (347.00)
  • Change your mind more than 5 times during the bonus vote.

    37.21% (202.00)
  • Possess and read every tip in the Sanctuary's Library.

    6.20% (1215.00)
  • Visit the telescope for the first time.

    68.22% (110.00)
  • Reach and feed the Karma Tree with the game's language being 'Pasta'.

    24.03% (314.00)
  • Reveal 10 Stars

    18.60% (405.00)
  • Reveal 20 Stars

    11.63% (648.00)
  • Have 10 Stars shining

    10.08% (748.00)
  • Have 20 Stars shining

    7.75% (972.00)
  • Enlighten 20 planets

    13.95% (540.00)
  • Enlighten 40 planets

    9.30% (810.00)
  • Be the one to trigger the explosion of a naughty eye.

    32.56% (231.00)
  • Complete a Treasure Room level with all the fruit collected.

    15.50% (486.00)
  • Reach an exit portal while under the sandstorm.

    20.93% (360.00)
  • Water a teammate's active Flowerpot while playing as the Watering Can.

    14.73% (512.00)