• 1 Achievements Earned
  • 1 Players Tracked
  • 8 Total Achievements
  • 50 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club

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About the Game

A minimalist management game where you face various dilemmas as the CEO of a corporation.
Capital Dilemma is in the Early Access phase. Each run takes about 30 minutes and currently there is 1 ending. It's repetitively endless.

  • Each term you face 12 dilemmas, your choices effect the corporate balance and some trigger future dilemmas and storylines.

  • Storylines are more in-depth dilemmas. Your choices effect the narrative of the story and depending on your choices, your CEO might receive 'influences'. Influences effect storylines and unlock new dilemmas.

  • Your investments effect the world around you. Your choices develop the story and different investments lead to different endings.

  • Manage the balance between profits, customers, board, and your own mental health. Too high or low of any metric will cause the board to replace you.
  • Success is not guaranteed, and the board will evaluate your performance annually. Fail to maintain the balances, and you will get replaced by another CEO.

  • Stock price is the ultimate metric for success. Your performance impact the stock price directly.