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In the early 2000s, there was a project to digitize human memories, storing them as computer data to be viewed and experienced by anyone. Despite seemingly making good progress, it was scrapped, and all associated software and information was deleted, or so it was believed. In 2023, part of the project was rediscovered, found on an old hard drive, a single application, titled 'ANAMNESIS'.


The application is a fully digitized memory, a vivid memory where an overtime office worker experienced a power cut, and with nothing but a box of matches, they had to close up the office on their own. Complete the last few tasks they had and head to the exit, should be simple enough.


With just a box of matches protecting you from the unending dark, can you finish your tasks and escape the memory, or will you lose yourself to the madness? Matches don't last forever, and running makes them go out even faster, thankfully, there are plenty of matches throughout the office, but will it be enough?


Something is moving in the shadows, or so you think, an indescribable figure, or maybe it's your mind playing tricks with you, surely you can trust your own memory? It stalks through the dark, unpredictable, sometimes it follows you, but not forever, sometimes it goes and hides, it feels like it's always watching, but when you look at it, it doesn't move, isn't that strange?


The focus is on slow, tension-filled psychological horror that fills you with dread, rather than cheap scares. The office is suffocating, and the low amount of matches keeps you constantly under pressure. You never really know where the creature is, and where it's going to come from next, but if you want to survive, you'll need to keep a constant watch on your surroundings.


Why was the project scrapped? What happened to the people that worked on it? What is that creature which lurks in the dark? While completing your objectives, you can also find secrets to unlock more information, and other rewards in the EXTRAS menu.