NJ’s PSP Arcade Emulators Updated With Ad-hoc Support

by Mike Bendel October 4, 2007 @ 11:43 am

We sent out word a couple days ago that Japanese developer NJ had updated all of his popular arcade emulators with compatibility for the new PSP Slim. Now, AhMan of iR Shell fame has released updates to each of NJ’s recent builds with preliminarily Ad-hoc support.

This brings the entire arcade emulator suite to version 2.2.1a, you can download the respective releases for the both the PSP Slim and regular Phat PSP below.

CPS1PSP 2.2.1a For PSP Slim
CPS1PSP 2.2.1a For Firmware 3.X
CPS2PSP 2.2.1a For PSP Slim
CPS2PSP 2.2.1a For Firmware 3.X
MVSPSP 2.2.1a For PSP Slim
MVSPSP 2.2.1a For Firmware 3.X
NCDZPSP 2.2.1a For PSP Slim
NCDZPSP 2.2.1a For Firmware 3.X

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