UFC Undisputed 2010 Requires Access Code To Play Online

by Mike Bendel May 20, 2010 @ 10:54 am

THQ is joining EA in its crusade against secondhand market sales, revealing that Xbox 360 and PS3 title UFC Undisputed 2010 will require input of a one-time use code to hop online and access the multiplayer content. That means if you purchase the title used or rent it, you’ll have to pony up $5, the fee for an additional access code.

Last week EA announced plans to employ a similar strategy in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11, an approach that it has dubbed “Online Pass.” The methodology behind it is essentially the same, only that the cost of additional access codes from EA is a bit steeper, ringing in at $10 compared to THQ’s $5.

UFC Undisputed 2010 hits store shelves next Tuesday, May 25.

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