Rockstar Working On Xbox 360 Bully Patch

by Mike Bendel March 7, 2008 @ 12:14 pm

If you’re experiencing frequent crashes, audio hiccups, and framerate issues with the recently released Xbox 360 version of Bully: Scholarship Edition, rest assured that a title update for the game is set to be released by next week, which should resolve the problem according to Rockstar spokesperson Darlan Monterisi:

We are very aware of the problems some people have been experiencing with the Xbox 360 version of Bully: Scholarship Edition and have been doing everything within our powers to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. We will be releasing a title update through Xbox Live within the next week that we are confident will rectify the problem. We apologize wholeheartedly for the inconvenience that this matter has caused some owners of the game.

Good on Rockstar for responding to the situation quickly. Though it would’ve been nice if the game was thoroughly tested before shipping out to avoid a situation such as this.

Bully: SE Fix Coming Within Next Week [ShackNews]

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