Sony Still Contemplating Direct PSP Store

by Mike Bendel December 5, 2007 @ 11:17 am

The fact that PSP owners can now use a PC to purchase and download content from the PlayStation Store without the need of a PS3 is great, but what about what Sony initially promised? A true PSP store that can be accessed through the PSP directly.

They are still thinking about it, according to director of PSN operations Eric Lempel.

Clearly that’s something we’re thinking about. With the capability of the PSP it’s something that should be possible. It’s just a matter of priorities and some technology that we need to make it all work right and make sure the content is delivered securely, just to protect some of our [intellectual properties]. Yeah, it’s definitely something we’re thinking about.

I can see it being a low priority since now nearly everyone can get content on their PSP just by using the PC store. Still, being able to access the store directly from your PSP would be nice for convenience’s sake.

Sony Ponders PSP-Direct Online Store [Next-Gen]

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