iR Shell 3.9 Released

by Mike Bendel January 28, 2008 @ 11:06 am

Homebrew developer AhMan has announced the final release of iR Shell, a multi-tasking shell application for the PSP. iR Shell brings additional functionality to the PSP such as the ability to play two-player PSOne games via ad-hoc and playback MP3 files while in-game. Now at version 3.9, the latest release is fully compatible with custom firmware 3.80 M33-5 and 3.80 M33 popsloader v2.

Hit the jump for the full changelog.

New Features:

* Added support for 3.80M33-2, M33-4 & M33-5. Pls note M33-1 & M33-3 are not supported due to some technical issues which I’m lazy to resolve.
* Added support for 3.80 Popsloader Version 2. Version 1 isn’t supported.
* The 1.5 Kernel Addon for 3.71M33 & 3.80M33 has caused some incompatibility issues with fw 1.5 iR Shell. This is now resolved.
* Enhance PSP ISO compatability. Previously failed ISOs will probably work in this release.
* For slim only, the nethostfs MAX mode is now compatible with WPA.
* Some older firmware supports have been removed to reduce the distribution archive. This version has support for fw 1.5, 3.10 to 3.80. Also, directories EXTAPP15 & EXTAPP3X have been combined into a single EXTAPP to save space. Each APP# directory has 2 EBOOTs, with EBOOT.PBP for fw 3.x and EBOOT15.PBP for fw 1.5.

Download iR Shell 3.9

Thanks Fadil for the tip!

iR Shell 3.9 Released [AhMan]

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