Activision: Modern Warfare 2 Destined To Be Best Selling Game Of All Time

by Mike Bendel April 2, 2009 @ 1:45 pm

Publisher Activision reckons that Modern Warfare will not only surpass sales records set this generation by Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but also will become the “‘biggest selling video game of all time.” We kid you not, here’s a direct quote from brand manager Simon Wells:

We want to propel this year’s title to be the biggest selling video game of all time. That may raise some eyebrows, but step back and look at the franchise’s trajectory through preceding launches, and this objective starts to look viable.

Overconfident much? Let’s be realistic here, breaking into the charts as no. 1 for the year could very well happen, but best-selling game of all time? That’s a bold, perhaps even unrealistic goal. It’s going to take a marketing push of Olympian proportions to even compete with juggernauts like Mario and Pokemon. Not to mention, the fact that Modern Warfare does not exactly cater to an “all-ages” audience somewhat limits its sales potential.

Activision sets sights on winning ‘entertainment war’ [MCV]

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