Duke Nukem Forever Bigger Than MW2, Three Times Over

by Mike Bendel October 13, 2010 @ 6:09 pm

In a word, Duke Nukem Forever is massive. While speaking to CVG, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford chimed in on the game’s length, touting it as three times the size of Modern Warfare 2 by estimate.

It’s gonna be big. Duke is a big, triple-A title. The campaign is huge. It’s probably three times the size of the last Call Of Duty game. And it’s great through and through.

That guesstimate would clock the entire experience at around 15-20 hours, depending on your skill level, which is not shabby at all for a pure action title.

12 years later, it’s still hard to shake the fact that Duke is making his long-overdue return next year. Let’s just hope it lives up the massive hype Gearbox is building.

Duke Nukem Forever ‘3 times the size of MW2‘ [CVG]

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