Battlefield Bad Company 2 Demo Now 3.5 Million Strong

by Mike Bendel February 19, 2010 @ 5:32 pm

Launched to strong praise and reception, the online multiplayer demo for DICE’s competitive shooter Battlefield Bad Company 2  has amassed 3.5 million downloads, EA announced today. Wrapping up on February 25, the demo offers a sampling of the Alaskan battlezone Port Valdez and is playable under a single gameplay mode — Rush.

In other fun facts, EA says over 500 million kills were recorded since the demo’s launch. Of those kills, 15 million were performed with a knife, while another 100 million slaughtered their opponents while trekking it in a vehicle and 10 million took a bullet to the head. To top it off, 30 million vehicles have been wrecked thus far and 25 million players have performed first-aid by reviving teammates. That’s a lot of statistics for sure, enough to make our eyeballs bug out.

The full game hits store shelves and digital outlets on March 2 in North America, with a European release following on March 4 – due out on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.

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