Overgrowth Announced

by Mike Bendel September 18, 2008 @ 7:03 pm

Independent developer Wolfire Games of Lugaru fame today announced Overgrowth, an upcoming 3D action-adventure effort in development for Windows-based PCs, Macintosh, and Linux. The title is set in a world filled with man-like rabbits and wolves armed with medieval weaponry. Further details are forthcoming, but the premise sounds pretty rad to say the least.

Additionally, Wolfire said it is considering a console release but has yet to find a publisher. Hit the jump for the full press release.


Wolfire Games, the company behind Black Shades and Lugaru has just announced its latest project: Overgrowth. Formerly David Rosen’s one-man operation, Wolfire Games has recently expanded to a team of five full-time developers. It appears that Overgrowth will pick up where Lugaru left off: in a world of anthropomorphic rabbits and wolves who use paws, claws and medieval weaponry to engage each other in battle. Aside from an innovative site (http://wolfire.com/overgrowth) and some preliminary concept art, details are still scarce. Wolfire did mention that it plans to make Overgrowth available on PC, Mac and Linux just as it has done with its previous titles. However, no release date has been declared. One thing is certain though, based on the quality of Lugaru, people have high expectations of the Wolfire team.

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