PSA: Guacamelee Now Slamming Baddies on PSN

by David Sanchez April 9, 2013 @ 11:39 pm


Indie developer Drinkbox Studios’ next foray into video games has launched. You can now purchase and download Guacamelee on the PlayStation Network. The game is available for $14.99 and supports cross-buy and cross-play functionality on the PlayStation 3 and Vita.

Guacamelee is a 2D action-platformer that features brawling, running, jumping, and parodies. Yay for humor in games! You take on the role of a masked Mexican luchador named Juan who’s hoping to rescue El Presidente’s Daughter from the clutches of the vile Carlos Calaca.

I try to reserve my PSAs for games I believe are worth playing. While I’ve yet to finish the game, I’ve spent plenty of time enjoying this one, so if you dig 2D action titles and are looking for something to play on the PlayStation Network, you may want to give Guacamelee a look-see.

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