Soul Sacrifice Launches on PS Vita April 30, Pre-Order Bonuses Detailed

by David Sanchez January 29, 2013 @ 10:47 am

Soul Sacrifice

Sony has announce via the PlayStation Blog that the upcoming Soul Sacrifice will be available on the Vita on April 30. The game will land at retailers and on the PlayStation Network, and it’ll come with a handful of pre-order bonuses, some reasonable, and others not so much.

First, the reasonable stuff. Pre-ordering Soul Sacrifice will get you a costume pack with two exclusive outfits. You’ll also get three magic items — Spirits’ Flamepike, Spirits’ Blightstone, and Spirits’ Fulgurwood — that deal explosive or lightning damage to your enemies. These bonuses will not be sold as standalone DLC.

Now for the unreasonable pre-order bonus. Reserving your copy of Soul Sacrifice will also get you the Japanese voice-over track. Those who wish to obtain this language option at a later date will have to shell out some cash for it. Umm … Okay, this is pretty damn gross, and I really don’t think I need to explain why.

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