The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Trailer Leaves Quite a Bit to Be Desired

by David Sanchez January 2, 2013 @ 10:53 am

If the final version of The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is anything like the trailer above, we’re in trouble. Simply put, the game seems ridiculously lackluster. Now, I absolutely adore The Walking Dead, and really, I’m only basing my judgment on this trailer, so I’m hoping a lot changes before the game actually launches later this year.

Aside from poor visuals and ugly character models (Look at that horrible zombie hair!), the trailer for Survival Instinct also showcases (loose term) some pretty bad gameplay. Nothing looks even remotely interesting, the zombie chases appear to be quite boring, and the action is pretty standard stuff. Again, I hope this all changes before the game hits retailers.

For a game starring the badass Daryl Dixon, you’d think we’d be getting some more cool moments in the trailer. Still, a lot can change in the final months of video game development. Let’s hope Activision and Terminal Reality deliver a great alternative to Telltale Games’ take on this spectacular series and spruce up Survival Instinct exponentially.

At least the music in the trailer is cool.

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