Gotham City Impostors Now Free to Play Steam

by David Sanchez September 1, 2012 @ 3:41 pm

Warner Bros. announced that Gotham City Impostors would no longer sport its $15 price tag on Steam moving forward. The game, which pits Batman and Joker wannabes against one another, will instead be a free-to-play title.

Players who download the game will have access to all original features and DLC. It’s great to see Gotham City Impostors going down to $0 on Steam, because a lot of folks felt that the game was actually worth that much. That’s not to say it’s a bad game, but it certainly felt more like a free first-person shooter as opposed to something that should actually cost money to play.

I recently played Gotham City Impostors for the first time. I didn’t pay a single dime for it because it was free as a result of being a PlayStation Plus member. I immediately agreed with most others’ sentiments, and I didn’t feel I should pay money for the product. Gotham City Impostors is fun — a lot of fun, actually — but $15 is a bit on the steep side for such a simple product.

If you have yet to play Gotham City Impostors, there’s really no time like the present. Give it a look on Steam. I’d certainly recommend it.

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