Lococycle Trailer Shows Off Crazy Gameplay

by David Sanchez August 29, 2012 @ 12:12 pm

Absurdity in video games is a beautiful thing, people. Enter: Lococycle. The upcoming action game from developer Twisted Pixel stars a motorcycle named I.R.I.S. who’s running (riding?) away from the company that manufactured her. The creators have sent out another bike named S.P.I.K.E. to capture I.R.I.S., and it definitely seems like he’s not messing around.

The beauty of Lococycle is in its craziness. I.R.I.S. can turn into a robot of sorts and dish out crazy karate moves. She’s also got some heavy guns to take out anything that gets in her way. Oh, and she’s constantly dragging around some dude, which is absolutely awesome.

I.R.I.S. is being voiced by the always charming Lisa Foiles, while the tough-looking Robert Patrick takes on the role of S.P.I.K.E. If you’re a fan of wackiness galore, watch out for Lococycle on Xbox 360 in 2013.

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