Tretton: PS3 Still Just Hitting Its Stride, Would Be ‘Distracted’ By PS4 Announcement This Year

by Mike Bendel February 17, 2012 @ 10:31 am

Downplaying rumors that suggest otherwise, Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Jack Tretton hopes he doesn’t have to make a PS4 announcement at this year’s E3, noting that he’d be ‘very distracted’ by talking about next-generation hardware.

At risk of sounding like a broken record, Tretton also said the PS3 is ‘just hitting its stride.” He made the same remark when PS3 sales were outpacing Xbox 360 in 2008 and 2010, as well as last year’s E3.

“I, quite frankly, would be very distracted if I had to be talking about next generation hardware this year,” Tretton told IGN.

It’s no secret that Sony has been adamant about emerging last this generation, as echoed by Sony France CEO Philippe Cardone and WWS boss Shuhei Yoshida. It goes without saying that the company does have its hands full, having just launched the PS Vita worldwide. Perhaps the wait and see approach will be taken, even if Microsoft shows its cards this year.

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