Valve Introduces Steam Mobile App, Currently In Closed Beta

by Mike Bendel January 26, 2012 @ 11:58 am

Once again, Valve has taken convenience a step further with the introduction of the mobile Steam app for Android and iOS platforms. Currently in closed beta, users can use the app to chat with friends, keep tabs on daily Steam deals, browse community groups and view user generated content such as screenshots.

This means you’ll never miss another Steam sale, which could potentially be bad for your wallet, but hey, we’re grateful anyway.

“The Steam app comes from many direct requests from our customers,” said Valve president Gabe Newell.

“Seeing which of your friends are online and playing a game, sending quick messages, looking at screenshots for an upcoming game, or catching a sale – these are all features customers have requested. Mobile is changing way people interact, play games and consume media, and the Steam app is part of our commitment to meet customer demands and expand the service functionality of Steam to make it richer and more accessible for everyone.”

Those who wish to join the beta can sign-up for possible inclusion by hitting up this link from their mobile device. The app is also now available in the associated iOS and Android markets.

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