Crytek F2P FPS Warface Hits Western Markets In 2012

by Mike Bendel August 16, 2011 @ 2:42 pm

Crytek’s sent word that its free-to-play CryEngine 3-powered FPS Warface will reach Western markets in 2012, exclusive to PC.

“With Warface we aim to become the next-gen of free to play shooters that are en par with traditional AAA games in terms of quality. We have the team and technology to make it happen and are starting with a strong partner in Asia to ensure we gain experience with the free to play business model. ”, said Cevat Yerli, CEO & President of Crytek. “It’s the next logical step for us to bring this new IP to a global audience and thus to our worldwide community.”

Fully designed around a F2P business model, the military shooter promises a “constantly updated extensive PVE universe full of dramatic multiplayer co-op missions, a full set of class based PVP.”

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