Sears Black Friday Ad Outs New DSi Colors, PSP-3000 At $129.99

by Mike Bendel November 5, 2010 @ 6:51 pm

With the 3DS still a ways out, Nintendo is giving the DSi a hefty push this holiday season to tide consumers over.

The latest crop of Black Friday ads to hit the net, this time courtesy of Sears, have revealed plans to introduce a pair of bold new DSi colors: a limited edition Mario Party DSi, decked in your choice of green or red. Both are priced at $149.99 each, backed by a $20 award card incentive.

While Nintendo has yet to make an official announcement, we’d expect one soon-ish.

Other notable deals in the ad: a PSP-3000 Entertainment Pack that includes a copy of LittleBigPlanet for $129.99. Not bad at all.

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