Dreamcast Revival Begins On XBLA, PSN This Fall

by Mike Bendel June 10, 2010 @ 11:55 am

As rumored back in April, Sega is digging up gems from its backcatalog for a Dreamcast revival on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network.

Beginning this fall, Crazy Taxi and Sonic Adventure will hit both digital venues to coincide with the 11th anniversary of Sega’s short-lived yet treasured console. More classic titles will follow, including Jet Set Radio and Shenmue II if previous rumors are any indication.

Each title is based on the original Dreamcast incarnation while sporting modern-day enhancements such as high resolution visuals and surround sound output. Additionally, Sega is promising online leaderboards, complete with Achievement and Trophy integration for the collector types among us. We’re sold!

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